Do you have debts owing to you by companies or individuals in Guernsey that you need help collecting? If so please contact us.

If CIDS is collecting a debt from you and you would like to make a payment on your account, please click here.

If you have received a letter or a request to contact us please do not panic. The originators of the debt have referred your account to us due to non-payment. At this point we will assist you in finding a realistic way to clear your overdue account. Whatever you do, please do not ignore our attempts to contact you; we can only assist you once we have discussed your situation. If we are not able to do this we may be forced to consider further action against you. Our staff will help you to resolve any issues you may have with this account, and can also describe the consequences of ignoring contact at this stage.

Terms and conditions last updated 25th May 2018

If you would like to make a payment you may do so by visiting our office at:

Office 1, Floor 5
2 Cornet Street
St Peter Port

If you would like to speak to someone please call 0330-016-8843 (lo-cost call rate. Free if you have bundled minutes)